Оценка бизнеса

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Автономная некоммерческая организация

"Независимая финансовая экспертиза"

 Финансовый анализ: используй возможности

  /  . . . . . .





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Independent Financial Expertise

Short English Version

Partnership Program "Independent Financial Experts" (PPIFE) glades to see you on this website. Our slogan can be expressed as "Finanalysis: use opportunities." PPIFE - a convenient tool for analyzing the financial condition of the company. Correct use of this tool gives market participants a good chance - to notice the problems at the company and remove his share of investment. Our results are presented in a convenient form that is understandable to people who do not have economic education

Financial analysis – is an area of professional interest of:
- heads of enterprises;
- founders and investors;
- shareholders and stakeholders;
- creditors and suppliers;
- tax authorities.

Financial analysis – is an area of non-professional interest of:

- customers and clients;

- staff;

- minority shareholders;

-  victims of "People’s IPO".

Financial analysis should be based on

- the objective input data;
- accepted methods of evaluation;
- to be done by independent analysts.

The final report should be presented in an easy and understandable way. Serious attention in our work is devoted to information security policy.

These principles are the basis in the Partnership Program "Independent Financial Experts".

On this site we present a brief analysis of some major companies based in Russia. The securities of these companies are traded on the trading floors BerSE, DSE, FSE, HamSE, LSE, MSE, NYSE, OTC, RTS Global, SEAQ I, SSE, XETRA. Listing of these companies can be found here.

See an example of standard page of each company

All calculations are made according to "Balance sheet " and "Profit and Loss" data. The analysis consists of five parts:
1) The analysis of the dynamics and structure of the balance;
2) The analysis of liquidity and solvency;
3) An analysis of financial stability;
4) Cost-benefit analysis;
5) Analysis of business activity


6) Conclusion.

Each part has its own intermediate score. In conclusion, the final score is calculated as the arithmetic average of the value of intermediate evaluations. The final score is represented by:
- In a standard 10-point form (from 0 to 10), rounded to two decimal places;
- In the form of a standard "school" score (from 1 to 5), specifying "слабая" (weak), "твердая" (solid), "сильная" (strong).

For final score the investor can choose whether or not to invest in the company, to make a more detailed analysing of document, or to conclude that this company is not of interest as an investment object.

It should be noted that a more detailed analysis of documentation could change the final score in either direction. But it is unlikely to change the company's final score from an "strong 5" to "strong 3" and vice versa. Therefore, the final score still stands as the focus on core, with possible deviations in either direction.


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